Microsoft has recently released several news and technotes regarding a vulnerability recently discovered in Internet Explorer versions 6 through 11. This vulnerability could allow a hacker to compromise a computer that is browsing a web site that has been selectively changed to take advantage of this vulnerability.
News sources have reported that Internet Explorer should not be used and the US Department of Home Land Security is also warning computer users of this issue.
We post this specific article on the situation to help our clients make good decisions and how to take the appropriate action. Installing a new web browser such as Google's Chrome or Mozilla's Firefox are not necessarily the best options as they bring addition issues of their own. So what do you do?
At this time we are recommending users disable the features that allow this vulnerability to function and be extremely cautious about the web sites they visit.
How To Block ActiveX controls and Active Scripting
To raise the browsing security level in Internet Explorer, perform the following steps:
1.On the Internet Explorer Tools menu, click Internet Options.
2.In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab, and then click Internet.
3.Under Security level for this zone, move the slider to High. This sets the security level for all websites you visit to High.
4.Click Local intranet.
5.Under Security level for this zone, move the slider to High. This sets the security level for all websites you visit to High.
6.Click OK to accept the changes and return to Internet Explorer.
Click here to view the full Microsoft article on this vulnerability.
We hope that this information is helpful. Please let us know how this has helped you or if you have additional questions. As always Firestone Technical Resources, Inc. is here to help with your computer support issues - "Providing personal service for your impersonal technology."